The Annapolis 2013 boat show | |
It's been a bit more than a week since my last post. We have done lots and made some decisions that were not part of our cruising life but necessary ones. So far, we have been to the yearly Annapolis boat show, attended a few seminars and checked out lots of new gear and boats etc. The weather has been great...usually between 65 and 75 F. Cool at night...great for sleeping. The restaurants and pubs are plentiful. Our favorite so far is McGarvey's which is right at the main dock area downtown.
We toured the U.S. Naval Academy and it's museum. Very interesting to see where and how so many young men and women are schooled. We often see them dressed in uniform downtown, having lunch or just walking around...Looks really nice!
We have also been to a few art galleries and last Sunday we walked over to an Art and Music festival in a local park nearby. Lots of artisan's showing and selling their work.
As you know we have had many problems with our engine....the oil leak was stressful not to mention the smell and constant cleaning of the mess. We had four different marine service companies have a look at it and it was a unanimous.."This is a real old, bad engine"
We will be replacing it with a beta/kuboda 43. It was ordered last week and we should have the installation start at the end of this month....We keep our fingers crossed that we can leave by mid November to continue our trip south. George and Jackie left last Sunday. We will catch up to them hopefully sometime in November or December. In the meantime, we have also had our rig checked out and will be addressing some issues that were found.
We enjoy this city and will keep ourselves busy exploring. I will be blogging about our re-powering as well as our life in Annapolis........
We won't miss this mess on our stern! Guy has since scrubbed it all off ! | | |
We watched this daily Noon Formation at the U.S.Naval Academy in front of the main dorm | |
USNA Bancroft Hall |
USNA Chapel |
The USNA Museum had many interesting replica's of ships and their history. |
This is the Church Circle in downtown Annapolis....It was sooooo crowded during the boat show! | | |
Our favorite restaurant so far.....They have the best fish taco's we have ever had on Tuesday nights! |
Main St. Annapolis MD |
Main St. going the other way.... |
This memorial to Alex Haley is next to the main dock and across the street from a small park named after him. |
Roots...a mini series made in 1979 featuring Kunta Kinte was one of my all time favorites ! | | |
Last Saturday night, we were invited to an annual "Valiant" rendezvous at Bernie and Kate's home.
They own RogueWave yacht sales specializing in Valiants. We met many valiant owners and spent the evening exchanging info, boat cards and plans for going south. We are thrilled to have been included and look forward to meeting our new friends along the way.....and thank you Bernie and Kate for a fun evening!